Analgesic (noun): An agent producing diminished sensation to pain without loss of consciousness.
This series of work portrays my feelings and ideas about letting go of the stress of my health conditions through a dreamlike gaze. This body of work was very out of my comfort zone due to how upfront and personal it is. Through these images, I hope you are able to gain an understanding of my life living with invisible chronic health illnesses.
In saying this, going into this series I wanted my end product to be something that everyone can relate to in one way or another as these images, when put together, make viewers think about what they are looking at. Allowing the audience to relate to the images through their own personal experiences.
Accompanying my series is a playlist that includes a small selection of songs that resonate with the theme of my work. I chose these songs in hopes that when people would be viewing my images they would gain a greater understanding of the tone of the work.
This series started out being something that focuses on the calm amongst the chaos of my life, but in the end, the images, as well as the audio-visual component, work together to create a story of letting go of the stress of my health issues. Looking back at the images I now view the water in a way where it is washing the sadness away and turning it into a form of acceptance and beauty.
Spotify Playlist:
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