The final body of work for my Fashion Photography class.
This project aims to showcase Fashion Photography by creating composites that challenge dated ideals and how brands advertised (and still do advertise) jeans, by drawing inspiration from past/vintage jean fashion advertisements. Where 'these ideals and ways' refer to those predetermined by the male gaze.
My project aims to undertake this in two different styles, the first being a neutral way where the models, regardless of gender are photographed and represented in similar manners, creating an equal power balance and minimising room for sexualising either party. The second style plays to the side of comedy more, where I have flipped gender roles slightly by having men posed in ways that you would find a woman being subject to, or with writing samples I found from old magazines with women on them where I changed the wording to fit the male model.
My project does not aim to focus on portraying a specific gender in a specific way, rather it aims to focus on creating advertisements that challenge past jean advertisements by creating ads that neutralise gender roles.