Vulnerability is a fundamental aspect of the human experience, it can be challenging to acknowledge. The fear of burden, rejection, and weakness fuels this challenge.
 Vulnerability for me is coping with my health issues stemming from a non-curable spinal injury. Some days even getting out of bed is a struggle. 
Over the years, I have found a love of sports photography, basketball in particular. This seems incongruous, but this project is not just about sport; it’s about sharing my perspective as someone who can’t physically participate, and for this reason in this project I have questioned the players about their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses, reminding us that, despite physical strength, we’re all human.
This photo book is divided into four chapters, each dedicated to the unique journey of a basketball player: James Smith, Brock Sutton, Dillon Howick, and Caleb Bruggeman. Within these pages, these athletes talk about and question their identities, their experiences on and off the basketball court, their aspirations, and their fears. As you progress through each chapter, I hope you will forge a deep connection with each player, gaining insight into their personal lives and vulnerabilities, with the knowledge that we don’t all have the bodily capacity to engage in robust sports that require ‘perfect’ bodies.
Book available for purchase. Message now!
Ending Words...
Revealing our vulnerabilities can be an intimidating and challenging endeavour for most of us. But, something I have learnt throughout the course of making this book is that if you keep your vulnerabilities concealed, they fester within you, lurking in the shadows, ready to seize your mind at any moment. If you push your vulnerabilities towards the back of your mind the only thing they will do is push forward twice as hard. It is only when we confront our vulnerabilities and share them that we realise they hold no legitimate power over us.
We tend to look at other people and see them from an outsider's perspective. What I mean is that we see them for how we want to see them. We might admire athletes for their physical prowess, but we rarely consider the internal struggles they may conceal.
Sometimes, we forget that this world isn't just built for our own stories; every person we encounter on the street is living their unique life. Everyone has something that scares them, everyone has things that they hide away. We all navigate life one fleeting moment at a time, in our distinct ways. But, one common thread we all share is the ability to connect. Allowing others to share their innermost thoughts, and engaging in deep conversations where we unveil our own hidden thoughts, is a beautiful and essential endeavour that we should all embrace more.
Vulnerability breeds connection, and in this life understanding each other better can only be beneficial.
To the boys who contributed to bringing this project to life - JR, Brock, Dillon and Caleb. Your willingness to offer glimpses into your world and share them with me and a wider audience has been invaluable. Each of you has taught me something during this process, and for that, I am genuinely thankful. You have enabled me to not only learn more about myself but also gain deeper insights into the world around me. You are all remarkable individuals, both on the off the court. I hope that all of the goals and aspirations we discussed during our interviews come to fruition for each of you. Stay true to yourselves, for you are truly extraordinary.
To everyone else, remember that summoning the courage to reveal your heart is one of the most daunting....yet rewarding experiences in life. It will feel like you have set yourself free. So allow yourself to be set free and to build deeper connections with people. Life becomes a lot more beautiful when you do.
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